1:1 Coaching Program

You're Dreaming of Clear and Beautiful Skin

But despite all your efforts, nothing has really changed.


Maybe you wonder if it's even possible for you to heal your skin, and you worry about having to live with this forever.

All the doctors and experts are telling you that there is no cure for your skin condition, and all you get offered are different creams and prescriptions, that honestly don't make much of a difference. 

Maybe you're using some form of topical solution or maybe you're on antibiotics, but as soon as you come off it, the skin issues come straight back. 

You feel frustrated about your situation, but you're not sure if you're ready to try yet another thing to heal. 

This is so very common when it comes to different skin issues like acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo and rosacea. 

You're Dreaming of Clear and Beautiful Skin

But despite all your efforts, nothing has really changed.


Maybe you wonder if it's even possible for you to heal your skin, and you worry about having to live with this forever.

All the doctors and experts are telling you that there is no cure for your skin condition, and all you get offered are different prescriptions that honestly don't make much of a difference. 

Maybe you're using some form of topical solution or maybe you're on antibiotics, but as soon as you come off it, the skin issues come straight back.

You feel frustrated about your situation, but you're not sure if you're ready to try yet another thing to heal. 

This is so very common when it comes to different skin issues like acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo and rosacea. 

I want you to know that


Living with a skin condition is hard. It really takes a toll on you emotionally. 

And what makes it worse is that we're all constantly being sold the AUTOIMMUNE LIE (that our bodies are attacking themselves) or the HORMONAL LIE (that our skin is affected by hormones) when this couldn't be further from the truth! 

Working with me, you'll learn the TRUE ROOT CAUSE to your skin issue, and we will work on them and heal your skin from the inside out. 

No matter what anybody else has told you, hear me when I say, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR SKIN! And you can do it without using any of the strong creams or immunosuppressant drugs. You can heal your skin naturally. 

I'm here to help you get the skin of your dreams!

Living with a skin condition is hard. It really takes a toll on you emotionally.

And what makes it worse is that we're all constantly being sold the AUTOIMMUNE LIE (that our bodies are attacking ourselves) or the HORMONAL LIE (that our skin is affected by hormones) when this couldn't be further from the truth! 

Working with me, you'll learn the TRUE ROOT CAUSE to your skin issues, and we will work on them and heal your skin from the inside out.

No matter what anybody else has told you, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR SKIN! And you can do it without using any of the strong creams or immunosuppressant drugs. You can heal your skin naturally. 

I'm here to help you get the skin of your dreams!

I would love to help you transform your skin

Getting rid of my psoriasis has  has completely changed my life. Profoundly. It has been the biggest blessing, but also a massive learning curve. 

I am now very passionate about natural skin healing and am fully committed to helping my online clients achieve true and forever lasting results.  

If you want to work with me, you can go ahead and book a session below. 


Work With Me

First Initial Session



What's included:

✓ 1 coaching session (75 minutes)

✓ 1 x email support (within 4 weeks)

✓ Customised healing plan

✓ Access to Liver Friendly Recipes




Book Here

Follow-up Session



What's included:

✓ 1 coaching session (45 minutes)

✓ 1 x email support (within 4 weeks)

✓ Customised healing plan

✓ Access to Liver Friendly Recipes




Book Here

Work With Me

First Initial Session



What's included:

✓ 1 initial session (75 minutes)

✓ 1 x email support (within 4 weeks)

✓ Customised healing plan

✓ Access to Liver Friendly Recipes


Book Here

Follow-up Session



What's included:

✓ 1 follow-up session (45 minutes)

✓ 1 x email support (within 4 weeks)

✓ Customised healing plan

✓ Access to Liver Friendly Recipes


Book Here

Free Discovery Call

If you're thinking about giving this a go, but you're not a 100% sure that it is the right path for you, please go ahead and book a free 15 minute Discovery Call with me.

I would love to connect with you and talk about your skin issues and goals, and I'll gladly answer any questions you might have about working with me. Let's have a chat and get to know each other!

Discovery Call


My coaching is designed to help you to: 

  • Heal your acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea or whatever skin issue you're dealing with from the inside out.
  • Have clarity on the true underlying issues that are creating your skin problems. 
  • Find a healing plan that actually works for your specific situation.
  • Change your lifestyle gradually to get your beautiful skin back.
  • Find a comfortable pace of healing for you, where you're not standing still but it's not too intense for your skin either. 
  • Feel supported, calm and confident in your healing journey.
  • Deal with any flares that might happen as you start to cleanse.
  • Feel empowered and certain that you will heal.


I can't wait to celebrate all your wins with you! 


My coaching is designed to help you to: 

  • Heal your acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea or whatever skin issue you're dealing with from the inside out.
  • Have clarity on the true underlying issues that are creating your skin problems. 
  • Find a healing plan that actually works for your specific situation.
  • Change your lifestyle gradually to get your beautiful skin back.
  • Find a comfortable pace of healing for you, where you're not standing still but it's not too intense for your skin either. 
  • Feel supported, calm and confident in your healing journey.
  • Deal with any flares that might happen as you start to cleanse.
  • Feel empowered and certain that you will heal.


I can't wait to celebrate all your wins with you! 

How we work together


Health Form

Everything starts with you filling in a health form. This is important for me to really understand your situation, and should be done at least 3 days before our first session.

Initial Session

The first session is all about getting to know each other and this is also where we will start creating a personalised healing plan for your unique body and your specific needs. 

Follow-up Sessions

We'll start with going through your symptoms and how your healing plan works, then we move forward and make some tweaks accordingly. With every session you will walk away with something to focus on. 

Continual Support

You get ongoing support from me in between your sessions. You can always email me any questions you might have, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (Only for Skin Healing with Sandra coaching program.)


My coaching program runs for 6 months, and during that time you have my full attention. I'm here to help you change your lifestyle and mindset, and leave you confident with how to keep going on your own.


All sessions will take place on Zoom, so you can literally be anywhere in the world. I recommend that you try to find a quiet place where you won't get interrupted, and be sure to take notes during the session. 

What we work with to heal your skin


Every session could look a little bit different, and the tools I choose to work with all depend on what you need in the moment. Gradually changing your diet is the key component to healing, but it's far from the only tool we will use.

  • Advanced Information (Medical Medium) 

  • Gradually Changing Diet 

  • Detoxing Strategies 

  • Emotional Healing 

  • Spiritual Healing 

  • Shifting Mindset 

  • Supplements



What we work with to heal your skin

  • Advanced Information (Medical Medium) 
  • Gradually Changing Diet 
  • Detoxing Strategies 
  • Emotional Healing 
  • Spiritual Healing 
  • Shifting Mindset 
  • Supplements

Every session could look a little bit different, and the tools I choose to work with all depend on what you need in the moment. Gradually changing your diet is the key component to healing, but it's far from the only tool we will use.

You'll also get access to 100+ recipes!


Immediately after our first session, you'll get an email with links to all the recipes to download. Why? Because diet is the key tool we will use to heal your skin, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed with your healing.

Just imagine all the time and headache you will save looking for new recipes as you gradually change your diet. (This was BY FAR my biggest challenge!)

They are divided into four different categories:

🫐 Transitional Recipes

🫐 Healing Recipes

🫐 Smoothies, Juices & Other Drinks

🫐 Desserts & Sweet Treats

You'll also get access to 100+ recipes!


Immediately after our first session, you'll get an email with links to all the recipes to download. Why? Because diet is the key tool we will use to heal your skin, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed with your healing.

Just imagine all the time and headache you will save looking for new recipes as you gradually change your diet. (This was BY FAR my biggest challenge!)


They are divided into four different categories:

🫐 Transitional Recipes

🫐 Healing Recipes

🫐 Smoothies, Juices & Other Drinks

🫐 Desserts & Sweet Treats

You need to be aware of the fact that this is NOT A QUICK FIX. In this program we work with the deep core issues to your skin problems. It's all about healing slowly and systematically from the inside out.

This is also NOT JUST A DIET for you to try for a while - this is about changing your lifestyle. 

This is NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL. Everyone is unique and needs to heal in slightly different ways. Therefore you need to be open to different healing methods. 

This is NOT FOR LAZY PEOPLE. You need to be dedicated to your healing. Healing acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo or rosacea takes commitment and patience. And being consistent is what's going to give you the results you're dreaming of. 

Is it a good fit for you?


🫐 You need to be aware of the fact that this is NOT A QUICK FIX. In this program we work with the deep core issues to your skin problems. It's all about healing slowly and systematically from the inside out.

🫐 This is also NOT JUST A DIET for you to try for a while - this is about changing your lifestyle. 

🫐 This is NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL. Everyone is unique and needs to heal in slightly different ways. Therefore you need to be open to different healing methods. 

🫐 This is NOT FOR LAZY PEOPLE. You need to be dedicated to your healing. Healing acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo or rosacea takes commitment and patience. And being consistent is what's going to give you the results you're dreaming of. 

Please be aware that my services are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Make sure you consult your doctor if you have a condition that requires medical attention. Please do not ignore medical advice or postpone medical appointments because of something you have read on this website.