Episode 13: 5 Ways to Give your Liver some Well Deserved Love and Attention

Nov 15, 2023



This podcast episode is a continuation of the last podcast episode: "Episode 12: The Precious and Hidden Key to Healthy Skin: Your Amazing Liver!". So if you haven't already listened to that please go and do so first. This episode will make a lot more sense to you if you do so. 

After listening to episode 12, we understand how hard the liver works for us, and how it's always there supporting us. Now it's time to return the favour. Now it's time to start showing our liver some proper love and attention. 

I'm sharing 5 different ways you can start being a better friend to your liver. Because when you start treating your liver like your best friend - that's when true magic happens! 

If you want to heal your skin from any kinds of problems (like eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea, acne, hyperpigmentation etc) it is absolutely crucial that you start working together with your liver. That's the only way you will be able to heal your skin. 


Here's a glance at this episode: 

  • [02:01] #1: Coming off the troublemaker foods
  • [04:56] #2: The 15% rule
  • [09:57] #3: Eating glucose
  • [13:29] #4: Talking to your liver
  • [15:07] #5: Liver meditation
  • [18:04] Additional thoughts for you to consider


Links mentioned in this episode:

➤ Episode 12: The Precious and Hidden Key to Healthy Skin: Your Amazing Liver!

➤ Episode 3: The Trouble with Troublemaker Foods

 Free Mini-Course: "You Can Heal Your Skin"

 1:1 Coaching Program: "Skin Healing with Sandra"



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